Life Drawing – Term 2 – Week 3

Here’s my life drawing from this week at college. We are experimenting with expressive strokes in black Quink ink washes, and this week added in rust colours using oil pastels. The black Quink is ideal for this as it is full of every blue and brown colour you could wish with a few grey tones chucked in as well! I used a blue, orange and brown for the rest of the colouring, blending as I went, over the top of the tonal ink washes.

2 thoughts on “Life Drawing – Term 2 – Week 3

  1. You are going to make me famous! Maybe I will be head hunted for my modeling (performance art is what I prefer to call it……..or as I used to call it; Stationary Acting. I am moving to a new studio in April, leaving my old KLA space for one nearer home so I also have a new website; Its all new ! Love all, hurt none and walk in soft shoes.

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