About me

Real Name: Neil Burley
Based in: Leicester, UK
Description: Mixed Media Artist/Designer/Maker/Tutor

Greetings! I enjoyed my first career as a doctor, specialising in psychiatry. Unfortunately I needed to retire on the grounds of ill-health in January 2010 after a long period of sick leave.

I am now embarking on my second career – looking to develop my creative skills and then freelance as an artist/designer. I have had a long time interest in artistic/creative pursuits but not enough time to develop them, and I hope this blog will showcase that development. I studied at Leicester College on their BTEC Extended Diploma Art & Design course, between 2011 and 2013, qualifying with distinction in July 2013.

I now run small group teaching sessions in my purpose-built new studio, as well as developing my new found skills into a personal style. Current interests include zentangle inspired art, art journaling, altered art, quilting and playing with mixed media techniques.

I was part of the WOW! Embossing Powders Design Team for two years, 2012-2013, demonstrating and teaching at the NEC Hobbycraft exhibitions as well as publishing monthly projects to their blog. A gallery of all my embossed projects can be found here. I’m now working with Creative Expressions on their Design Team, with some of my projects already featured on Create & Craft TV.

I’m very happy to be approached with commissions – more details here.


11 thoughts on “About me

  1. ‘Probably Everything There Is To Do With Distress Inks’ has me intriqued… If I ever make it to England (wish, hope, fingers crossed) I will drop in, say hi and take your class. I live in Australia

  2. Hi Neil: I’ve just discovered your site and I am sooooo impressed with your zentangle art. The tangles are very distinct and they speak of your great creative genius. Thanks for sharing your fantastic art adventures with us.

  3. Just started tangling and stumbled upon your site. The zentangle patterns are absolutely beautifl! Thank you so much for sharing. If you find yourself doing some workshops in Wales, let me know!!!!!!

    Forever Tangles

  4. I like your versatility. Your work is beautiful. I was a teacher, but became disabled, so I am trying new crafts and hobbies like zentangle. I subscribed to your blog and look forward to seeing your new work.

  5. LOVED art all my life. Just recently discovered tangle art, it definitely fits with my creative style, in that I just go with the flow, little or no planning! Seems to be quite new to UK, am I right? I was actually one day googling for Tangles, the stop smoking twisty toy thing! It found all these gorgeous ideas and patterns which seem to be endless and made me go, Oooh!…nice…
    Wish there were classes near where I live, (Notts) Ive put forward the idea to local college but not holding my breath. Anyway, all the best, Jan B

  6. Hi Neil I am new to zen tangles . I am wanting to recreate some patterns of your web site please advise whT basic materials I need and where to purchase them

    Thanks Jane

    • Hi Jane
      All you need is a pen and paper – ‘official’ zentangle products really aren’t required for my patterns. You may find it helpful to use a smooth paper, and a permanent smudge proof pen. I’d advise just getting a few fine tip pens and trying them out on different papers until you find a combination that works for you.

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