Twelve Tags for 2012 – June

I’ll be teaching how to make this somewhat patriotic tag this Saturday (19th May) at the Manic Stamper Craft Club. It took a fair amount of experimenting to get the background the way I wanted, but I got there in the end! A gallery of my tags so far has been added here.

4 thoughts on “Twelve Tags for 2012 – June

  1. The tags are cute, but I don’t know what I would do with them. Actually, other than displaying them, the only other thing I do with my tiles is use them as bookmarks!

  2. I love it especially the big bold June! To answer webster, I am making a number of tags at the moment to take on holiday with me, I’ve been chatting to some of my fellow holidaymakers on the web and it was mentioned that it would be nice to take a small memory gift with us to exchange, the tags will do the job nicely and on the back I can put all of our details. If it gets used as a bookmark thats great too.

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