LRI – tangle pattern



I’ve finally sat down to draw some new tangle patterns 🙂

This is LRI, based on iron railings around the Leicester Royal Infirmary next to Welford Road. It’s amazing how many patterns there are to be quickly snapped with a camera phone and broken down in to step by step instructions:



On Saturday I’ll publish my 100th tangle pattern – inspired by a wood panel in Liberty, Regent Street.

3 thoughts on “LRI – tangle pattern

    • Happy New Year to you too Lizzie. I have another two terms to go on the course, and will be planning to go freelance after that. Have a look at the Studio link for more details of my plans 🙂

  1. This is a lovely pattern Neil. May I take the liberty of suggesting another name for it? How about “Lyric”? The pattern seems gently musical and the word incorporates the letters you’ve given it. (Initials seem so hard-edge to me!)

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