Bottle Cap Memories

It’s Altered or Recycled theme this month over at the WOW! Embossing Powder Challenge blog. This is what I came up with for my design team submission. I need to make an admission – my intention was to use recycled beer bottle caps for this project, but I’ve not had bottled beer for a little while and ran out of time to collect any from the pub… So the project has switched from ‘recycled’ to ‘altered’!

Do you find pouring resin too expensive? Or takes too long to set? Me too, so I came up with an alternative: I’ve used molten WOW! Clear Gloss Ultra High to create the domed glazing in each of the bottle cap frames, and WOW! Earthtones to colour the stamped lettering. Hope you like it, and more details on how to make your own are here.

I’m also happy to accept commission requests if anyone would like one made – all you’d need to do is provide the digital photos/scans. Email me if you’re interested.


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