A Driving Dragon?!

Driving Dragon


It’s still ‘anything goes’ month over at The Crafting Cafe sponsored by the fabulous Stamping Dragon Designs – I’ve chosen the Rupert’s Car digistamp for my card.

Since my ProMarkers are currently on loan to my young tutee, I’ve used my Fashion Design set of Tria Markers to colour in the digistamp. This has the benefit of a preselected palette of colours that work well together. I’ve added extra colour-on-colour to add the tartan stripes to the hat and the shading. I felt Rupert really needed scarf and goggles, but only the scarf made it 🙂

For more making details, pop across to my design team blogpost.



Altered Art Book Pages for a card

Pansy And ButterflyIt’s my turn to post again over at the Crafting Cafe, and this month the theme is ‘altered art’ with the sponsor once again the fabulous Delicious Doodles. I’ve printed their Pansy & Butterfly digistamp directly onto old dictionary pages – for more details, go to my post on the design team blog.



So grateful summer’s here…

Though everything was a month late at the allotment this year, I did actually have blossom on the fruit trees, unlike last year, and some fruit has set. Unfortunately, the cherry tree is still having problems and I have just one cherry ripening. Not so on this card for The Crafting Cafe, featuring LEJ Designs ‘Blossom’ digistamp:


For more details on how I made the card, check out my post over at The Crafting Cafe.

Bon Chance…

‘Good Luck Card’ by Neil Burley

For the ‘Lady Luck’ theme this month over at ‘The Crafting Cafe’ I chose the ‘Moving Car’ digi stamp from the wonderful Bugaboo Stamps, our sponsors. I think it’s such a versatile image, whether for moving house, emigrating, marriage… perfect for wishing someone good luck. For more details, see my challenge blog post.

Perfect in Pastels…

Bundle of Hearts in pastelsIt’s ‘Let’s Celebrate’ theme over at The Crafting Cafe this month, and for my DT post I chose the fantastic ‘Bundles of Hearts’ digistamp from , their sponsors this month.

I had a go at being a bit different, and decided to try and make the equivalent of an embossing folder to build up the image into an embossed one – it worked to a degree, but no where near good enough to run with, and then I ran out of time.

So I got out the PanPastels to colour in Benson Bear, adding shading and filling in the small areas with Derwent soft pastel pencils. I blended those in with a paper stump, which was also quite handy for moving the pastel off the laser-printed black areas. Any pastels running over edges were gently rubbed back with an eraser. I used a spray fixative to seal everything before assembling the card. The sentiment is a peel off, and the coloured card from Bazzill. I love the texture that the pastels give to the fur 🙂

And once I’ve mastered the art of converting a digistamp to an embossed image, I’ll let you know!