Alternative web address news


Just to let you know that my blog can be accessed with the shorter web address The old address still works, so there’s no need to change any of your bookmarks, but you’ll notice a switch as you connect to the site if you happen to be watching the browser URL box.

Tangle Pattern Gallery updated…


Hi all, I’ve just updated my tangle pattern gallery – there’s been a week’s hiatus due to a technical glitch (a bit of insulation in the connector in the street box apparently) with my internet connection. All 15 of my latest patterns are now linked from the gallery.

Unique Giveaway #1 – final chance to enter


Hi all – entries to my unique giveaway #1 will close at midnight [GMT], and I’ll post the winner tomorrow. As of an hour and twenty minutes to go, there are 43 of you in the competition. Good luck! This competition has now closed.

There’s still plenty of time to enter unique giveaway #2 – entries close at the end of 10th September, with the draw on 11th September. At the time of posting, there’s just one entry – which can be seen on my Reader Submissions gallery.